Tree Service at its Finest Quality

Morgan Hill Tree Service is a local Bay Area based arboricultural Company focused on serving the needs of managers and owners of commercial properties, homeowners, multi-family housing (apartments and homeowners associations), corporate campuses, educational institutions and retail properties. Whether you need advice about a particular tree or your entire property mapped and assessed, our arborists will schedule a visit and provide you with solutions for the care of your trees.

Morgan Hill Tree Service management team is comprised of tree care professionals that have an average of 15+ years in the industry. Throughout those years of experience, our managers have built trust and valuable long lasting relationships with our clients.

Our mission to help our clients succeed. We are driven to ensure our clients’ goals are met so they can focus on other priorities. Schedule a consultation with one of our arborists today and see how MHTS can manage your trees for you


We are proud to say that many of our customers and our employees have been with us for many years – we treasure the long-term partnerships we have built over time, that have only grown stronger.  We work hard every day to continue to prove to our customers that we are truly their partner, ally, and knowledge resource when it comes to helping them find success through the care of their trees.  The same goes for our employees – we have cultivated a supportive environment that encourages personal and professional growth.  At MHTS, we truly believe that happy employees = happy customers.

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